European Expansion in the Early Modern Period

Abbildung der Quelle


Volk und Reich der Deutschen. Geschichtsbuch für Oberschulen und Gymnasien, Kl. 7: Von der deutschen Ostsiedlung bis zu den Anfängen Bismarcks/ Walter Hohmann und Wilhelm Schiefer (Hg.) - Frankfurt a.M.: Salle, 1943, S. 45-46 -
GEI shelf mark: HEG-IV 16(2,43)-7



The second edition of this textbook, published by the Otto Salle publishing house , is designed for seventh year pupils in secondary schools and grammar schools. The selected passage is taken from the second section (‘The Dawn of a New Age’) of the largest group of themes treated in the book, entitled ‘The First German Revolution and the Counterattack’, in which the Reformation and Counterreformation are examined.




The second edition of this textbook, published by the Otto Salle publishing house , is designed for seventh year pupils in secondary schools and grammar schools. The selected passage is taken from the second section (‘The Dawn of a New Age’) of the largest group of themes treated in the book, entitled ‘The First German Revolution and the [mehr...]